Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ten Sky Night

Here's a poem I thought of on the way into work this morning (or maybe it's more free verse, whatever):

the kaliedoscopic mystery
seen through a pinhole
of light and sound
frequencies resolved and unresolving
casting platonic shadows
upon the caves of a wall
that exists only in the mind.
These living stones
that strive
to be born into cathedrals
wherein echo the solemn footsteps
of truth.
We are forever beholding
in our beholdeness
the face of a God
as seen in a mirror
that reflects our own fears and hopes.
"But do you really see me?"
He says
and herein is found
the lonely sound
of one handing clapping
in this ten sky night.
We are too much drawn
to illusion
as we journey
through this endless night
guided by
a pinhole
of light.

1 comment:

Mendy said...

So, this just popped into your head on the way to work, huh?

I like the images. Perfectly painted.