Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bone Dog

So, this is a kids story I wrote a few weeks back. I like it; although, it is only the second draft, so there may be a few more changes in the works. I've asked my dad, who is an artist, to consider illustrating it. If he does, I'll post his work as well. (Assuming I get his permission to do so, of course.)

"Bone Dog"

Bone Dog was made of bones. He didn't have any hair. He didn't have any skin. He didn't have anything at all. Just bones.

The other dogs had hair. The other dogs had skin. The other dogs had everything. And bones.

But their bones were on the inside. Bone Dog's were on the outside.

"I want my bones on the inside, too," thought Bone Dog. But he didn't have an inside. Just an outside.

There was a big park in front of Bone Dog's house. All kinds of dogs played there.

Bone Dog wanted to play there, too.

But when Bone Dog tried to play with the other dogs, they ran away or tried to eat him.

One day one big dog even threw Bone Dog's tail bone to the other side of the park. "Go fetch," he growled with a mean smile. Some of the other dogs laughed.

After that, Bone Dog wished he wasn't a bone dog.

Every day he sat in his house during the day watching the other dogs play. But he didn't ever go play himself.

He was a sad dog.

One day, after watching the other dogs play in the park all day, Bone Dog went to bed, but he couldn't sleep. He sat in his room looking at the park through the window.

"If only I were like other dogs," he thought.
Then Bone Dog saw something, something surprising.

There was a dog playing in the park at night. But this dog didn't look like the other dogs. He was a silvery shadow dog.

The silvery shadow dog played in the moonlight. He jumped and spun and chased his tail. He looked like he was having fun.

"He's probably mean," thought Bone Dog.

Just then the silvery shadow dog saw him in the window. Bone Dog looked away quickly, but the silvery shadow dog barked to him happily. "Come out and play," he barked.

Bone Dog pretended he couldn't hear. He wanted to play, but he was still afraid.

The silvery shadow dog barked at him some more. "Hey, come out and play," He barked.

"Maybe he's not mean," thought Bone Dog. He wagged his tail bone hopefully.

"Come on," barked the silvery shadow dog. Bone Dog ran down the stairs, out the door, and into the park.

"I'm Bone Dog," he barked happily.

"I'm Ghost Dog," barked the silvery shadow dog.

He and Bone Dog ran and jumped and laughed and played all night. And in the morning, Bone Dog was so tired that he fell asleep right away. He didn't have time to watch the other dogs play.

After that, he and Ghost Dog played in the park every night. And after a while, Bone Dog forgot about wanting to be anything other than a bone dog. He was too busy being friends with Ghost Dog.

The End.

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