Friday, July 18, 2008

"Annie's Song"

See, here is the thing - what if the foundation of your life turned out to be a lie? I'm listening to "Annie's Song" by Bob Denver and it always makes me think of being a child because my father loved Bob Denver so much when I was a child. As a child it made me think of my mom and dad and how they loved each other. Only it turns out they didn't. When I got older, my parents separated and divorced and my dad came out to everyone. So I'm sitting here listening to the song as I work and crying because the song reminds of me of something so beautiful and so false.


Tracy said...

I love that song and it's even on my Ipod. I'm sorry it brings bad memories for you. On the bright side, I do have a huge bag of Twizzlers for you -- it's even the right flavor.

Mendy said...

You're crying at work?!?! Has my sensitivity seeped over to your side of the bed?

Your mom and dad DID love each other; they've both told me what great friends they were. He even played Scrabble with her (ha ha). She just didn't light his fire. Who knew she had the wrong kind of matches?

supersonicjan said...

I hate to break it to you, and make your life more of a lie, but that song is by John Denver... Bob Denver is Gilligan. Maybe the clarification is actually therapeutic?

Mike said...

Excellent! Knowing that I was crying over Gilligan just makes it more ... poignant. (If by "poignant" you mean "ridiculous", of course. ;-))

felicity & nathaniel said...

I love that song. And I also believe your parents loved each other back in the day. But I can definitely sympathize with you on the depressing memories twist given how things worked out in the end. That said, neither John Denver nor Annie are to blame; I can promise you that.