Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fireball is Dead

Tragically, just after commenting that if my blog were a pet it would be dead by now, I discovered that my son's pet toad, Fireball, had died. This is relevant because I was the one who had most of the responsibility for feeding Fireball. Unfortunately, she only ate crickets and the occasional wax worm, both of which had to be bought in small quantities from the pet store, and she only ate them once or twice a week, so I would, on occasion, forget to feed her for a week. Once I found her little dried up body (a toad's body MUST be 90% water), I realized the last time I had fed her was about two weeks ago, just before we left to visit my cousin in Ohio. Apparently she was hardy enough to make it one week, but not two. The day I found her I felt really bad and kept thinking about it all the next day, but it was much harder on my poor son, who kept crying every time he thought about her death. Ah, Fireball, you were a good pet. I'm sorry I forgot to feed you.


Christy said...

Now my only question is...does he realize why his frog died...or will this be one of those deep, dark family secrets until one day - when he finally thinks he's overcome all of the things that traumatized him from his childhood - he stumbles across your blog...or someone who used to read your blog slips and brings up the frog story and his world comes crashing down around him as he realizes Fireball actually starved to death and it wasn't just his time to join his friends in that great big pond in the sky ;Op lol

Mike said...

Good question, Christy. Yeah, I think he knows - I didn't really say, "Oops! Looks like I starved your toad to death!", but I did mention that "we" (I) hadn't feed Fireball for about two weeks and that was probably too long.

Christy said...

Way to take the high road and be honest...always a good choice!