Monday, February 23, 2009

S.M.A.R.T Goals

If you have ever at any time had to engage in goal setting in a business environment, you've probably heard of S.M.A.R.T goals, but perhaps, like me, you can't always remember what the acronym S.M.A.R.T stands for. Well, trouble yourself no more - I have the solution to your problem. That's right, I've documented below what each one of those capital letters stands for.

S is for Smelly - You know the old saying, "so close I can taste it"? Well, your taste buds are part of your olfactory system - if you're going to get close enough to that goal to taste it, it's gonna have to be smelly.

M is for Marketable - What's the point of having a goal if you can't convince others of its value? You've got to think like your goal is a street whore and you're it's pimp - get out there and hustle that goal!

A is for Aardvark - If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand. Every goal needs an aardvark.

R is for Retractable - How can you be a winner if you sometimes lose? You can't - that's why your goals always have to be retractable.

T is for Table - You're going to need somewhere to put your goal. I like to put mine on a table.

There you have it. If you'll just remember this simple mnemonic, "Smelly Marketable Aardvarks with Retractable Tables", you'll always have S.M.A.R.T goals.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your insight :) I knew something was off with my goal setting technique. It's time to "get out there and hustle my goal!" and if that goal doesn't pay me my share then I will cut it. "I will cut you!" Sweet analogy ;)

Mike said...

Daniel, thanks - I'm just trying to do my part to make the corporate world a better place. If that requires me to compare it to the street trade - well, so be it.